Wednesday, March 11, 2009

You're not gonna believe this...

Things have been going so well. I love having my own space, my own room, time for me.  It's great.  The cast is wonderful, and we get along great. The shows are beautiful - I like them better than most of the ones from my last ship (except of course, the country show). 
Of course now, disaster strikes!  ha Well, that may be a bit dramatic. It's not disastrous...but very disappointing, that's for sure.  
We were getting ready to do our tech run for the tango show when our dance captain makes the announcement that Dwayne, the B1, has something to share.  For some reason I knew before he even started talking that he was ready to resign...but I hoped I was wrong.  Then comes the spill..."I've been miserable for a while being back with Royal...don't get me wrong, it's a great job, but I miss promoting my album and singing what I want when I want...blah blah blah...I've thought long and hard and I feel like I need to resign. It's not fair to you guys for me to be this miserable and bringing the rest of you down too...blah blah blah".  
SO - the end result is that Dwayne has given his 2 week notice and will be signing off the ship as of Mar. 23.  What does this mean for us? Well, 1 of 2 things - they'll either find a replacement by then and we'll be in rehearsals to get this person worked into the shows...or we'll be re-blocking the shows and putting a dancer into the things that Andy, B2, can't cover himself. I'm SO DISAPPOINTED!  I really enjoy working with Dwayne. Yes, he sometimes keeps to himself a little too much, but as far as performing...he's great, and we work really well together! Plus, I've just gotten these shows into my body - I'm comfortable with the way Dwayne sings, and I follow his lead well... Now I'm going to have to figure all that out over again with someone completely different.  This person could be equally as talented or...if it's anything like my last contract...he could "leave something to be desired" put it nicely. 
The end result? Just pray that we have a smooth transition into our next cast mate.  I guess it's all part of the job, so we just have to take the good with the bad and know that there's a reason for everything.  It's like I was told yesterday: this next guy could be talented as well as having an amazing personality and we could get along like peanut butter and jelly so...we'll see!  It's really worse for the rest of the cast honestly.  They've been re-blocking since they got on the ship! First a girl dancer went down, then the G1 and now B1.  SO, hopefully we'll get a quick learner and rehearsals will run smooth and quick.  That's all we can really pray for.
In other news...I see John this Sunday! AND we have our show Sat. night so that means that I'll have all day on Labadee with him!  YAY!!!  There's nothing else that's really happening right now.  I just wanted to share the latest news.  I hope everything's still going well at home! I miss everyone! 
More soon... Blessings~*

PS - if you tried to open the facebook album in my last blog and couldn't figure out how to see other should be able to click on the link...when it opens to 1 picture simply click on the 'previous' or 'next' button which should be at the top right of the picture.  Hope that helps!  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just read this blog again - Y'all have really had the turnovers on this contract run. I'm so glad that Dwayne's replacement has worked out so well - Lee? Anyway, you both sound so good together and the rest of the cruises seem to be going so well. I'll be anxious to hear what you are going to do next, AFTER you go to all the wonderful countries in EUROPE that you will be in!!!! I look forward to hearing more later!!!
Love, Mrs. Stricklin