Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Here We Go Again!!

Well I'm BACK in Hollywood rehearsing! I can't believe it, but I've decided to do another contract with Royal. I started rehearsals for the Jewel again Nov 11 and will be coming home for Christmas for 2 weeks, then joining ship around Jan. 10.
Photos: top - Rob and Timera - they've been together 5 years and 6 contracts!!!next - Christie, Sabrina (G2), Jessica, and Timera
middle - Dan (B1) and Ryan (B2)
then - Timera, Laura Ann and myself
and bottom - Our Thanksgiving FEAST! haha
So far, I can tell I'm going to like this cast. They're all my age or older accept 1 of our male dancers, therefore they are mature and don't have to go out and be crazy all the time...they just enjoy hanging out, playing cards, movie nights etc. That same guy is the only new hire as well. Everyone else has done at least 2 contracts before this.
The down side of this rehearsal process has just been the organization with the office and our rehearsal schedule. We've had choreographers and vocal directors come and go like breath mints!! It's driving everyone batty!!!! We started rehearsals on what, Wed? Met our vocal director and then found out he would be leaving the next night for NY and therefore we were "study independently" until Monday when he would return. Now he's gone again and we're working with a different director only to discover that he can't make any changes to anything b/c our old director plans to return to finish teaching us in another week.... It's one big mess... I'm just thankful I already know the shows, so I don't have to be stressed out!!

Well I'm running out of battery so I have to cut this one short. Just wanted to add some pictures and drop a quick note anyway!! More to come asap!! Love you all and see you in 3 weeks!!