Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Nothin' else to do...

(last night @ about 7:30)Well, I'm feelin' a little ...WET right now. haha I just walked home from a lovely, short rehearsal and about 1/2 a mile from the house the bottom decided to drop out. I guess God was just lookin' down laughin' as I took off running in the pouring rain with all my expensive equipment in my bag and no umbrella! hahaha Just proves that the Lord likes to play jokes too because about the time we got inside and stripped off the SOAKING wet clothes and took everything out of our bags we looked outside to see the sun shining again...Very funny Lord!

Today is my day of rest...hehehe because the girls don't have to be there until 7 tonight!!! We're working for an 1 1/2 hours and then we're going to run about 8/10 of the show from top to bottom - no stops. It should be interesting to see how that goes! Let's see...other than that our ballroom couple arrived a little earlier than planned. So, we have new friends to hang out with! I don't have any pictures of them yet...sorry. :) But we've been watching videos of them dancing and I can't wait to start working on our Ballroom Fever show so that we can really see them in action! We should be onto it in about another week and a half. I think I sing about 4 songs in Spanish so hopefully all those years of singing in other languages for Mrs. Stricklin will come in handy for that show! haha

We have officially put in a request to have someone come spray the apartment because I keep finding those wormy things all over the house, but the cleaning lady said they've been having problems for a long time and nothing really helps...Oh well, I guess that's the price you pay for a free place to stay. :)

Other than that I had a sappy night Sunday night. I really started missing everyone and got kind of sad about it...I guess because we're only in rehearsal for such a short time right now the days seem to drag on forever! So, I feel like I've been gone a month and it's only been about a week and 4 days....Anyway - I'll just ask you to keep me in your thoughts and prayers because 8 months is a long time and I'm figuring out pretty quickly that I'm more of a homebody than I thought!

I miss everybody!!!




JudyAnn said...

Kristian! I had no idea you were working a cruiseline! That sounds so fun... I remember when I worked in Texas the first week I was really homesick but when it was all over I was devastated to leave! I'm so proud of you! You're going to have a blast! Sing on with your bad soprano self! Well, keep us posted!
-Judy Shealy

Unknown said...

Kristian, We miss you too!!! I think I will save the comment about you being a homebody!!!! It's taken how long 24yrs???? haha. Granny, Papa and Memaw sends their love!!! You look like your having a blast. Can't wait to see you in June!!!

Unknown said...

You a homebody?No way.I think I will save that comment also,like Robin.Sounds like your having lots of fun.You and the worms hang in there.Sounds like the worms will definitely hang in there.Sure you will too.Later, I love this blogging stuff, Uncle Roger

Bev Flint said...

Hi Krisitan,

Thinking of you often and praying for you. Be so thankful you have the blogging to help keep in touch with loved ones--we didn't have that in the "good ole days."

Only two suggestions I have for you: 1. Don't sleep with your mouth open (this is in reference to the worms, ugh!!!) and 2. Disregard 93% of what your Uncle Roger says.

We love you!

Anonymous said...

You can't imagine how lonely it is around here without you. I miss you, Paul misses you and so do the babies! Keep posting info on your blog, post more pictures. Have fun, savor every minute 9 months will pass in a hurry!

Margaret Harrison said...

Hey Sweetie: Have lots of fun while you are working hard. Hope to hear from you soon. I finally figured out this blogging stuff. It's fun. Keep sending those pictures.
Aunt Margaret