Thursday, May 6, 2010

Off to the Baltic!

At the top you'll see photos from my birthday dinner at Chops! :)

Well guys, I'm in Miami for the last time! We start our crossing this time so I'll be passing through Bermuda, Portugal, and Belgium before reaching our new home port of Harwich, England. I can't WAIT for all these beautiful European ports again! Please say a prayer for us to have safe a SMOOTH travels across the ocean! I'll be keeping in touch via facebook and email as much as I possibly can, but you know how that goes...hahaha. For now, here's a few more show pictures that one of our headliners took of West End. There's some beautiful ones of all of us, so I hope you enjoy looking at them and please let me know if the links don't work for these things. See you all in about 6 weeks time!! :)

Click the underlined text for photos: WEB PHOTOS

Blessings~ Kristian :)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Ok, I's been waaay too long!

I'm sorry guys. I know I haven't updated this thing in MONTHS. It's just...well, most of the people I know that check this thing have access to my facebook profile so...I just figured you get most of your updates via facebook! I did want to add a few pics and video links so that you can check those out whether you're my friend there or not though.
I have to say, overall this contract has been amazing thus far. My cast is very professional. We're all grown ups and just love having silly fun together. :) The game of Uno has become our claim to fame, and Dan (B1) even got hats made for the winner and loser of each Uno night! hahaha We have the Uno World Champion and the Uno Crap Player....both strong titles, but obviously we all strive for the first one! lol
We've only had to re-block the shows once since we've been on board, and even then we had PLENTY of notice to be prepared for it. Dan decided to go home for his brother's wedding, so Ryan stepped in and covered both the B1 and B2 parts so that we wouldn't have to use a dancer to lip sing. It worked out great and the audience didn't even know the difference.
Other than that, the hardest part of this particular contract was not being home to say goodbye to PawPaw....I'm still dealing with that.... It's times like this, when you know you'd just feel better to be surrounded by family, that you realize how difficult this job is. I love so many aspects of it...singing my heart out week after week...traveling to places I could never afford to see on my own...meeting great friends from all over the globe....but being away from family when something goes wrong is by far the hardest thing I've had to experience. Just please keep my Granny and the rest of the family in your prayers....This is the time when things get the hardest - you know, once the dust settles and everyone else goes back to their regular lives/schedules....I know this is when she'll feel the loneliest. I keep the cross necklace he gave me hung up in my room so that I never forget to pray for her...It helps me remember the best things about him as well. :)
Anyway, enough sad topics.... I have 1 more cruise here in the Caribbean, and then it's off to the Baltic. That will be the best part of this entire contract! I can't wait to see more of the places I didn't get to explore fully. It's SO beautiful over there!
Please keep me in your prayers while I'm here. We've been continuing our church service and it's been really good. Steve leaves after next cruise though, so it'll be up to me to speak and sing from now on. I'm a little nervous about it, but I know it's what God wants from me while I'm here. It's my little contribution on board and the guests seem to really appreciate it.

So, that's my quick update. Here are some links for photos and videos that you should be able to go to whether you're a facebooker or not! I hope you enjoy and thanks for trying to keep up with me while I'm out on the high seas! Love you all!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Here We Go Again!!

Well I'm BACK in Hollywood rehearsing! I can't believe it, but I've decided to do another contract with Royal. I started rehearsals for the Jewel again Nov 11 and will be coming home for Christmas for 2 weeks, then joining ship around Jan. 10.
Photos: top - Rob and Timera - they've been together 5 years and 6 contracts!!!next - Christie, Sabrina (G2), Jessica, and Timera
middle - Dan (B1) and Ryan (B2)
then - Timera, Laura Ann and myself
and bottom - Our Thanksgiving FEAST! haha
So far, I can tell I'm going to like this cast. They're all my age or older accept 1 of our male dancers, therefore they are mature and don't have to go out and be crazy all the time...they just enjoy hanging out, playing cards, movie nights etc. That same guy is the only new hire as well. Everyone else has done at least 2 contracts before this.
The down side of this rehearsal process has just been the organization with the office and our rehearsal schedule. We've had choreographers and vocal directors come and go like breath mints!! It's driving everyone batty!!!! We started rehearsals on what, Wed? Met our vocal director and then found out he would be leaving the next night for NY and therefore we were "study independently" until Monday when he would return. Now he's gone again and we're working with a different director only to discover that he can't make any changes to anything b/c our old director plans to return to finish teaching us in another week.... It's one big mess... I'm just thankful I already know the shows, so I don't have to be stressed out!!

Well I'm running out of battery so I have to cut this one short. Just wanted to add some pictures and drop a quick note anyway!! More to come asap!! Love you all and see you in 3 weeks!!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

I can't believe it's almost over!!

The whole cast together at the last Mystery Dinner Theater.
Patrick and I at our last Summer Breeze Set.

I love these guys!! (Patrick & Tait)
The 4 singers just before our bows in the Tango Show.

Well guys, I can't believe it, but I'll be home in 4 days time!!!  Things have been crazy around here, but we've had a blast enjoying our last cruise as a cast. :)  

Let me just go back about a week...Last time we were in Norway, which would've been...around 10 days ago I guess?  Andy, boy 2 (singer), was rushed off the ship and to the emergency room.  He ended up having emergency surgery to have his appendix removed!!  They said that if this pain would've come to him while he was at sea and couldn't get to a hospital, his appendix would've most likely burst.  All I can say is, God was definitely looking out for him on that day!  So, we were without a boy 2 for about 4 days while he recovered in the hospital, and then he flew to Denmark to join the ship again the day of our Tango Show.  I can't believe it, but he actually performed that night after everything he'd been through!  He was more concerned about us getting through our shows without him than anything else.  Thankfully everything went great, and he's been able to perform in both Tango and West End with no problems.  So, for those that knew about this and were praying - THANK YOU!!! Our prayers were answered and he is 100% better now.  

Other than that little bit of drama, things have been wonderful for our last cruise.  The shows have been great so far, and even though it's been a little rainy this time around, the ports are still just as beautiful.  

The cruise director threw us a farewell party last night, which was SO much fun!  We reserved the Travelers Bar that's usually for officers only, so it was non-smoking (YES!) and had a huge sound system. Then it was just musicians, cruise staff and ourselves cutting up and dancing all night! I have to say I'm gonna really miss these guys when we leave.  I've gotten really close to some of them and we have an absolute blast when we're all together.  

So, now the fun part begins.  Beginning the packing process....YUCK...and figuring out what's next once I get home!  I got an offer to come back and do the Jewel again in November.  I'm not sure yet if I'll take it, but I'm considering it.  I just hate that it's so far away!  Honestly, I should probably just be thankful I've gotten anything at all. I talked to one of my friends in the office via email, and she said people that haven't worked for them in like 10 years are starting to call and try to get back in with the company because of the economy right now!  She also said that several people haven't gotten offers and won't get anything until the new year because there's absolutely nothing left.  It made me feel a little better about the situation because I was initially a little disappointed about not getting something different.  I obviously hoped for a new itinerary because seeing new places is 75% of the fun in this job!  There are good things about it too though...I would have a good shot at vocal captain since I already know the shows, the itinerary's the same so I wouldn't be inclined to spend a lot of money, and Tait (from my current cast) is going back as well so I'd have a great friend there with me.  Well, we'll see what happens. Right now, I'm just looking forward to seeing everyone back home!  

4 more days 'till family, friends, my car, my kind of food, MY ANIMALS.... :)  Can't WAIT!!!  See you soon!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Photo Update :)

I don't really have a lot of news as of yet.  I still haven't heard anything about my next contract, so as of now I'm just looking forward to getting back home and seeing everyone again! I can't believe in 14 days I'll be flying home!!! I got my flight info today and thankfully I got a direct flight to Atl. So, as of 7:10 pm on June 10 I'll be HOME!!!!! :)

Well, I guess the main reason I wanted to update my blog was so that I could post links to more photos that I've added to facebook.  So, here ya go:

Stockholm, Sweden:

Helsinki, Finland:

St. Petersburg, Russia: ( there are 2 links here!)

I guess that's all I know for now.  I hope you enjoy the pictures!  More to come!~ :)